Systemo GmbH & Co. KG
Rother Straße 3
91567 Herrieden
Phone +49 (0) 98 25 83-6500
Fax +49 (0) 98 25 83-6599
USt-IdNr. DE 267145049
The company is a limited partnership situated in Herrieden, register court Ansbach HRA 3481. Individually liable shareholders: Systemo Verwaltungs GmbH, register court Ansbach HRB 2639; Managing Directors: Markus Schüller, Max Heller, Manfred Niederauer
Liability exclusion
Systemo does not accept any responsibility or guarantees that any information provided within this web-site is exact, complete or in any case up to date. This also applies to all links found within this web-site, direct or indirect. Systemo is not responsible for the contents of a site reached with such a link. Systemo reserves the right to make any changes or additions to the information provided without any previous announcement.
The rights for all pictures shown are reserved by Schüller. The passing on, saving, copying or any other uses are permitted only with the previous written consent of Systemo. The same applies to any graphics, objects or animations, if not stated otherwise. All contents, pictures, graphics etc. found within the Systemo website are copyright protected. Any unauthorized use will be immediately followed by civil action and possible prosecution.